"The Finch"
My name is Anthony "Finch" Finocchiaro, I'm a photographer & Filmmaker from France. I have a passion for weaving a captivating narrative that marries both the thrill of the race track and the aesthetics of analog photography. From the earliest days, the seeds of my fascination for cars and racing were sown, nurtured by the shared ardor of my father whom I used to carefully watch build and drive Porsches.
I first got involved in analog photography through Rollerblading at a young age, and even before completing my high school journey, I embraced photography as a full-time vocation, immersing myself into the world of cinematography and photography.
As one of the first Steadicam operators on Inline Skates, I was able to craft a unique skillset that embraced a new style of cinematography and a desire to get the perfect shot. I've always approached photography a little differently and never shy away from taking a different perspective. I would go so far to say that I find it more captivating and rewarding to think outside the box and beyond the traditional parameters of photography. I’m constantly mixing my passions for Motorsports and Action sports to the love of Streets & Symmetrical photography / Cinematography.
Based in Mexico City, Barcelona & Paris.